Grants Awarded 2021
Summary of Grants Awarded 2021
Organization | Program | Amount Funded |
A Chance for Therapy | “Act4Me's Children's Therapy Program” Therapy services given to developmentally delayed children who's families fall between the gap of qualifying for Medicaid & affording private health insurance | $20,000 |
Caring For Miami | “Project Smile Program” provides dental services to low-income, uninsured patients who would not be able to see a dentist. | $20,000 |
Children's Bereavement Center, Inc. | “Children's Grief Support" A outreach program allowing all family members unlimited participation simultaneously in their own age-appropriate support groups free. | $25,000 |
Coral Gables Woman's Club | “Coral Gables Children's Dental Clinic” dental care for school age children whose parents can not afford costly dental care and usually are ineligible for public health programs. | $25,000 |
Epilepsy Florida | “Epilepsy Services Program” medical services for comprehensive epilepsy care through the trilingual call center or interactive website. | $35,000 |
Hearing Research Institute | “Hearing Aids for Needy People” free hearing aids and special FM equipment systems for deaf children and adults who are in need of a hearing aid and can't afford one. | $25,000 |
Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired | “Heiken Children’s Vision Program” continues collaboration with the nine targeted JTM schools funding comprehensive diagnostic eye examinations and delivering prescription eyeglasses. | $25,000 |
Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine | "Smiles Across Miami" clinical services for JTM's School Oral Health Initiative program as well as expand to schools like COPE North that target pregnant teens. | $15,000 |
Open Door Health Center | “Healthcare Access Program” A clinic to improve access to cost effective preventive healthcare thus emergencies and arrange for hospital services, when necessary at no cost to its impoverished patients. | $50,000 |
PATCHES PPEC | "Transporting Children at PATCHES" Supported the purchase of a specially fitted bus used to transport impoverished medically fragile children to PATCHES for nursing care & therapies as well as to hospitals for scheduled visits & emergency care. | $24,250 |
South Florida Autism Center | "SFA Center Home Respite Program" Trained staff go into homes on afternoons, evenings and weekends to care for children severely affected by Autism so the rest of the family can receive respite. | $10,000 |
Sundari Foundation Lotus House Women's Shelter | "Lotus House Women's Shelter" Supporting housing and services for homeless women at the Lotus House Women's Shelter. | $25,000 |
United Cerebral Palsy of South Florida Charter Schools | “Speech Physical and Occupational Therapies for Children Ages Birth to 8 Years Old” Supports speech, physical and occupational therapies for developmentally disabled low income children. | $25,000 |
United Way of Miami-Dade County | "Mission United Warrior Resiliency Project" Emergency food delivery & gift cards, housing aid and staff coordination and needs assessment for Miami-Dade veterans in need of assistance reintegrating into civilian life. | $20,000 |
The Victory Center for Autism | "Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention" A behavioral health program using professionals experienced in treating children with autism ages 3-7 years. | $15,000 |
Whispering Manes Therapeutic Riding Center | "School Partnerships for Student Riders with Diverse Abilities" Scholarships for therapeutic horsemanship programs and equipment for Miami-Dade school children with diverse disabilities who would otherwise not be able to afford this program | $15,000 |
Wounded Veterans Relief Fund | “Veterans Assistance Program in Miami VMAC Region” Emergency financial relief for Miami-Dade veterans with both visible and invisible disabilities referred by a VA case manager. | $25,000 |
Barry University College of Health Sciences, Division of Nursing | Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Dr. Harold Norman Nursing Scholarship | $10,000 |
Florida International University College of Nursing and Health Sciences | Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Dr. Frederick Poppe Nursing Scholarship | $10,000 |
Miami Dade College School of Nursing | Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Board of Directors Nursing Scholarship | $10,000 |
University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Sciences | Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Edmund Russo Nursing Scholarship | $10,000 |
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine | Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Dr. George Mekras Medical Scholarship | $10,000 |
Organization: Camp Boggy Creek
Program Description:
“Family Retreat Programs for therapeutic support of Miami-Dade children with serious illnesses” grant provides retreats where the entire family can take advantage of the network of support with other families that share their experience.
Amount Funded: $20,000
Organization: Caring For Miami
Program Description:
“Project Smile Program” grant provides support for a part-time Dental Hygienist and supplies to serve uninsured adults and children.
Amount Funded: $20,000
Organization: Children's Bereavement Center, Inc.
Program Description:
“Children's Grief Support” grant provides partial salary support to create & facilitate web-based groups created in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and/or in person once their physical locations are reopened.
Amount Funded: $10,000
Organization: Coral Gables Woman’s Club
Program Description:
“Coral Gables Children’s Dental Clinic” supports the operational needs of the dental clinic for school age indigent children whose parents can not afford costly dental care and usually are ineligible for public health programs.
Amount Funded: $25,000
Organization: Epilepsy Foundation of Florida
Program Description:
“Epilepsy Medical Services Program” grant provides testing support to allow neurologists to examine and treat patients using telemedicine safely from their home.
Amount Funded: $25,000
Organization: Good Hope Equestrian Training Center
Program Description:
“Horses Helping Heroes” provides salary support for an equine instructional specialist and riding instructor along with equipment and supplies for their recovery program.
Amount Funded: $25,000
Organization: Hearing Research Institute
Program Description:
“Hearing Aids for Needy People” funds provide approximately 40 hearing aids for needy people.
Amount Funded: $25,000
Organization: Iam ABLE
Program Description:
“Able 2 Adapt” grant provides salary and program support for a mentoring and exercise-based therapy program for participants with paralysis.
Amount Funded: $15,000
Organization: Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Program Description:
“Heiken Children’s Vision Program” continues collaboration with the nine targeted JTM schools funding comprehensive diagnostic eye examinations and delivering prescription eyeglasses.
Amount Funded: $25,000
Organization: Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine
Program Description:
“Smiles Across Miles” grant provides salary support and clinical services for JTM’s School Oral Health program.
Amount Funded: $25,000
Organization: Open Door Health Center
Program Description:
“Health Access Program” grant provides salary support for clinic to improve access to cost effective preventive healthcare and arrange for hospital services when necessary at no cost to its patients who are at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Amount Funded: $50,000
Organization: SSJ Health Foundation - St. John Bosco Clinic, Inc.
Program Description:
“Ensuring Community Access to Healthcare ” grant provides salary support for an Advance Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) to provide healthcare to uninsured low-income patients .
Amount Funded: $50,000
Organization: The Sundari Foundation
Program Description:
“Lotus House Women's Shelter” grant provides support for housing costs for the homeless women, youth and children at the shelter.
Amount Funded: $25,000
Organization: United Cerebral Palsy of South Florida Charter Schools
Program Description:
“Speech Physical and Occupational Therapies for Children Ages Birth to 8 Years Old” funds salary support for speech, physical and occupational therapists to children diagnosed with intellectual and other developmental disabilities.
Amount Funded: $25,000
Organization: Whispering Manes Therapeutic Riding School
Program Description:
“Therapeutic Horseback Riding and Horsemanship for Children with Disabilities ” grant provides scholarships and new program equipment for children with special needs.
Amount Funded: $15,000
Organization: Wounded Veterans Relief Fund
Program Description:
“Emergency Assistance for Veterans and Families in Miami-Dade” grant provides for emergency situations for veterans who have been referred by the VA and need support to pay rent to avoid eviction, utility payments to keep the lights on and/or pay for transportation to be able to get to work.
Amount Funded: $25,000
Total: $400,000
Organization: Barry University College of Health Sciences, Division of Nursing
Program Description:
Dr. Harold Norman Nursing Scholarship and David Wolfberg Nursing Scholarship
Amount Funded: $20,000
Organization: Florida International University College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Program Description:
Dr. Frederick Poppe Nursing Scholarship
Amount Funded: $10,000
Organization: University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Program Description:
Edmund Russo Nursing Scholarship
Amount Funded: $10,000
Organization: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Program Description:
Dr. George Mekras Medical Scholarship
Amount Funded: $10,000
Total: $50,000

Our 2021 Grantees
- 1A Chance for Therapy - Act4Me
- 2Caring For Miami
- 3Children's Bereavement Center
- 4Coral Gables Woman's Club Children's Dental Clinic
- 5Epilepsy Florida
- 6Hearing Research Institute
- 7Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired - Heiken Children's Vision Program
- 8Nova University College of Dental Medicine
- 9Open Door Health Center
- 11South Florida Autism Center
- 12Sundari Foundation - Lotus House Woman's Shelter
- 13United Cerebral Palsy of S. FL Charter Schools
- 14United Way - Warrior Resiliency Project
- 15The Victory Center for Autism
- 16
- 17Wounded Veterans Relief Fund