Application Procedure

John Edward Smith
Managing Director
The purpose of the Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation, Inc., is to provide funding for programs and projects designed to improve, preserve or restore the health and healthcare of the people in Miami-Dade County, Florida.
The Foundation is proud to provide grants that contribute to the well-being of our community, touch future generations, and inspire others to make their communities—and their world—a better place.
Your work to improve the quality of life for citizens of Miami-Dade County is admired and appreciated. The Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation will accept Letters of Inquiry for the 2025 grant cycle between April 15 through June 15, 2025.
Please review the following funding criteria and application procedure.

Funding of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)
- Projects that target direct medical care.
- Health-related projects that assist children and the economically disadvantaged.
- Projects that promote health education, prevention, and early detection of disease.
Organizational Requirements
- IRS Determination of 501(c)(3) status.
- Active Board of Directors.
- Organizational budget of less than $2 million. (If funding request is an identified program within the organization, it may be considered when overall budget exceeds $2m).
- Funding of salaries only as they apply to direct service to clients/patients.
Grants are not awarded for:
- National projects which would result in funding leaving Miami-Dade County
- Projects that require multi-year funding
- For-profit organizations
- Support of political activities, candidates or campaigns
- Projects that are sectarian or promote a religious faith
- Direct support of individuals
- Other grant-making foundations
- Annual fund-raising campaigns, special events or fund-raisers
Qualified, tax-exempt 501(c)3 organizations which propose to conduct projects or programs related to the health needs of the citizens of Miami-Dade County, and are seeking funding support from the Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation should first submit a Letter of Inquiry. Letters of Inquiry for the 2025 grant cycle will be accepted from April 15 through June 15, 2025. (Letters of Inquiry will not be accepted after 5:00 P.M. on June 15, 2025)
GRANT FUNDING: Programs and projects are funded, depending upon the project budget up to $50,000 with an occasional exception for a program that the Board of Directors finds particularly meritorious.
General Online Instructions: When clicking on the “Apply Now” button for the first time, you will be asked to create an account. Once you create an account and a password, you will be able to login using your email address and the password you created. If you have questions during the application process, please e-mail
Step 1: A brief and concise letter of inquiry should clearly provide the following information which is completed online through our Foundant® Grant Management program:
- A description of the applicant organization and its activities
- The amount of the grant request
- A brief statement of the need or problem to be addressed by the organization/project
- The target population to be served by the project/program
- A description of the project or program for which a grant is requested
- A draft project budget and a copy of the organization’s tax determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service.
Step 2: Upon receipt of your LOI (Letter of Inquiry), there is first an administrative review to determine compliance and completeness of the submission. The Grants Committee of the Board of Directors will then consider each LOI and render a decision. This process could last 30-60 days. If the request is felt to be of interest, the organization will then be asked to submit a complete grant proposal for consideration by the Board of Directors. All applicants shall be notified of the status of their LOI request.
Once an organization has been asked to submit a complete proposal, it should not be inferred that a grant will be approved. Unfortunately, the Foundation receives many more grant requests than it has funds to disburse in any one fiscal year. If a request is declined, it should not necessarily be inferred that the Board of Directors is making a negative judgment relative to the merits of the applicant organization or institution.
If selected, the organization must sign a Grant Agreement from the Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation, Inc. outlining the terms of the grant. Generally, upon receipt of the signed Grant Agreement, one-half of the grant award would be released.
Grant recipients will be required to complete a six-month report. This report would demonstrate the year-to-date results of the project and account for the expenditure of the initial grant funds. Upon acceptance of the six-month report, a final award for the balance of the grant would be issued.