Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Co-Sponsors “Miami Medicine” exhibit at the Dade Heritage Trust

Date: December 3, 2018

Dade Heritage Trust opened a new exhibit focusing on Dr. James M. Jackson and Miami Medicine. The Trust, formed to preserve Miami-Dade County’s architectural, environmental and cultural heritage through education and advocacy, is housed in the historic office and surgery of Dr. Jackson. The exhibit highlights Dr. Jackson, folk and Native American health practices, medical instruments and the current and future paths of medicine.  Two rooms are interpreted to represent a typical medical practice and office in the early 20th century.

The exhibits, which are considered to be permanent and ongoing, were generously sponsored by the Jackson Health System, the Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation, Miami-Dade County, Culture Builds Florida, the Miami Downtown Development Authority and the City of Miami.

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John Edward Smith

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